Traditionally #FreeSoftware projects are driven by developers or for profit companies (sometimes governments funding specific projects). Users without programming skills usually can't influence the direction of a project. People talk about developers not getting paid for developing Free Software and users demanding more from volunteers. I think we have to rethink about this model and try to address this disconnect. @prav and https://codema.in/debphoshfund are trying to address this.
@prav In #Prav and #debphoshfud we are experimenting with a new model - users prioritizing which features are important and then crowd fund the most popular demands. There are at least a small number of developers who'd like to get paid working on #FreeSoftware projects (though it is still a bit difficult to find those). I hope more users will get involved in these projects or try to build similar projects for other areas.
@prav I think this model is important when there is not enough developer interest (or the interest is too fragmented - many developers are excited to create a new project instead of contributing to an existing project. sometimes the project maintainers are not very welcoming to new contributors as well). This is not entirely the fault of the developer as getting a job usually requires experience in the current buzzword in your resume. #FreeSoftware
@prav We can document this approach if more people find this approach is useful and interesting.
Summary: Basically it needs a survey of the most important missing features, then find the most popular items through a poll. Once we have found the most important features we set a bounty and then find developers.
We can create a website and explain each step to make more people participate in this model.
I have started quoting liberally in my linkblog (subscribe via RSS).
Earlier, I was only writing my own summary or opinion of the subject, but quoting adds more context. This is inspired by the writing style of Pixel Envy blog. https://pxlnv.com
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2024) https://bits.debian.org/2024/07/new-developers-2024-06.html